Community Building
The ultimate goal of the SoWashCo CARES Education Foundation is to build a community that cares. We do this by meeting the needs of our students, providing access to opportunities, showing appreciation to our school staff, and hosting community-building events for people to connect, give help and get help.


The Summer Skoolie program is a partnership between SoWashCo CARES, Community Education and our larger community. “Skoolie” is the name of the colorfully painted school bus that goes out into the community bringing free food and fun to families all summer long. We work with local businesses and organizations to sponsor all the meals and activities for families to enjoy for free.
SoWashCo CARES Fruit Stand

Through a Washington County SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Partnership) grant, we were able to build a physical fruit stand on the corner of 80th St and Inwood Ave in Cottage Grove (across from Aldi) near Armstrong Elementary. The Skoolie bus also acts as a mobile produce stand. SoWashCo CARES works with local farmers to purchase produce which we give away for free at our Fruit Stand! All are welcome while supplies last.
Fairytale Fashion

We accept gently used and clean formalwear dresses from the community. These dresses are sold for $20 at our “Shop and Swap” events. We provide vouchers to school social workers to give to students who cannot afford the $20. Anyone who donates a dress, can take a dress for free. 100% of sales benefit SoWashCo CARES programs.
Saturday Supper Club
SoWashCo CARES coordinates a program called Saturday Supper Club where we work with community partners to offer a free, prepared meal for families or individuals every Saturday somewhere in the community. These meals are freshly prepared to-go and are available for curbside pick up. All are welcome while supplies last.